Good people are busy doing good stuff ~ such a powerful sentence 🚀

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This is such a life-affirming piece of writing for anyone young and idealistic and old and cynical.

For me the heart of this piece is a question of tit-for-tat versus go positive and go first views of the world. In making this choice, we often forget our own contribution to the problem--what you call self-fulfilling prophecy. When founders scar at the first cut, they signal that their belief in their people was contingent on the people. In a way, they cede control of their values and beliefs to the people around them.

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couldn’t have said it better. agree fully.

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You are on an amazing journey Shashank. From listening to your calling of starting the packaged food business where the margins are so low(got to know this from your post only) and making the brand name as your culture, it's truly inspiring considering all the risks.

At first thought(in the middle of the article), I was like why would someone take that risks but the way you focus on the good people, I'm sold!

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thank you so much … and yes, this amazing journey is an amazing privilege :)

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A useful maxim in thinking about this is that if you are never taken advantage of, then you are not trusting enough

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Okay u got me, how can i work for you ??

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write to people@thewholetruthfoods.com. say what kind of work and why you'd like to join the crusade. cheers!

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Twt townhalls are something I always look forward tooo... So many insights & learnings. Thank you Shashank for making this possible ;)

- Current Twt employee :P

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So happy to know you find it valuable and exciting 🙏❤️

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Excellent write-up. Resonates with me..... especially that good people are silent, mostly. You need to nurture them and bring them to the core. The peripherals will eventually spin out.

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Such a great insight into your experience!

Also, this is a *great* way to attract the eyeballs of potential recruits who appreciate such high trust environments. (I'm going to forward this to a friend.)

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