This is gold. Thanks for taking time out to pen this!

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Now that I am on on mynsecond entrepreneurship journey i relate to your posts and their authenticity. Shashank one of the issues every entrepreneur face is time management. You mentioned in your article how you have to plan every hour to maximise and achieve your goals. Do write a post on your thought process on time management , how do you do it and your learnings in the process.

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Superb read. Coming straight from heart and hence it resonates with me, at least! Have always found myself in this situation and struggle to find a solution. As you rightly said, friends are the one who are missed greatly. Keep writing, please !!

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Refreshing read as always. I am sure you have figured out the purpose of your life and living the same. Thanks for sharing your honest feelings and prioritising family over work/KPIs which people these days generally undermine to prove themselves as so called "high-flyers" in the society.

P.S : miss the old conference stand-ups and office funs, for me that's the real cost of your entrepreneurship these days😃

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haha...yes thats been another cost. but that one shall be reversed one day.

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i think a lot of the urge to do something at all times comes from our smartphone addiction, where even if we get time even for 5 mins while waiting in a queue, we check our phones and notifications

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I could relate so much with this, Shashank.

As father to a 3 year old, I've seen myself get lost in work-related thoughts & to-do's while taking my son to the park/ play area or commuting from home to his pre-school.

It's getting a bit better (with his interactiveness), but certainly the quality of time could go further up (from my side)

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Such raw, honest and vulnerable writing Shashank! Thanks for putting your full self out here. I could connect with so much of what you write. There's a price to be paid for high performance and efficiency, and your essay was able to articulate it so very well.

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Wow. Refreshing and at the same time difficult to read given so many of us have this somewhere deep inside ourselves. Thanks for putting it into words, helps to know this is a wider thing than a figment of one's imagination!

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same thanks to you :)

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Relationships need inefficiency…. Absolutely true. It was heart touching

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To love is to waste of your time with someone doing nothing, is such a powerful quote.

Absolutely agree with you Shashank - I feel the same way at times, when all I can think about is 'what stock do I want to research next'. It becomes your obsession and it starts consuming you and all your relationships.

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Hello sir, just want to let you know ,you inspire me so much, my friend recommended me whole truth peanut butter when I started gym ,since then I've started following you ,your writings and your podcasts . Pls never stop writing on substack ,it's okay even if you get less time . Love your posts🙏

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Thank you. Just the inspiration I needed :)

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